NNI Research Director Appointed to Tribal Issues Advisory Group (TIAG)

NNI Research Director Miriam Jorgensen has been appointed as an at-large member of the ad hoc Tribal IssuesAdvisory Group (TIAG) of the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC). At-large appointees were selected based upon their wide experience and expertise with tribal communities and their roles in the criminal justice system. The USSC has entrusted the TIAG with a unique responsibility: "The TIAG will look at whether there are disparities in how federal sentencing guidelines are applied to defendants from tribal communities or in the sentences received by such defendants as compared to similarly situated state defendants. The group will also examine whether there should be changes to the guidelines to better account for tribal court convictions or tribal court orders of protection and consider how the Commission should engage with tribal communities in an ongoing manner." To read the full USSC press release, click here.