Native Know-How Workshop in Washington DC

On September 23, 2021, as part of the week-long festivities celebrating the opening of the University of Arizona D.C. Center, NNI executive director Joan Timeche (Hopi) delivered a hybrid workshop, Building Relationships in Indian Country: Native Know-How, which provided information about the diversity of tribes and how their sovereignty plays a unique and critical role in understanding how to partner with them. To further illustrate this, Timeche facilitated a discussion with a distinguished panel of tribal leaders including Tribal Chairman Jamie Azure of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Kathryn Isom-Clause (Taos Pueblo), and N. Levi Esquerra (Chemehuevi Tribe), Senior Vice-President, University of Arizona Native American Advancement and Tribal Engagement. Each shared tips to building trust and forging long-lasting relationships.