Making NNI programs relevant to Tohono O'odham Nation Youth

The Tohono O’odham Nation (TON) Legislative Council convened a Special Session on June 21, 2016 to better connect Tohono O’odham youth with the University of Arizona. The session was also open to the Tohono O’odham public and broadcast live on KOHN, the tribal radio station. The Native Nations Institute was one of 11 University of Arizona program invited to participate.
In her presentation, NNI executive director Joan Timeche (Hopi) discussed the resources and programming available to Tohono O’odham youth through NNI, including the Indigenous Governance Database, the Rebuilding Native Nations online courses, and youth programs on governance and entrepreneurship. Joan also noted that many of NNI’s programs and services are intended to help tribal citizens and their elected leaders effect positive change by strengthening tribal governance. Ultimately, she concluded, NNI’s education and programming can help youth prepare for these important leadership roles in their communities and in their nation.