The Role of Tribes and Tribal Relations in Creating a More Vibrant Arizona

Jan. 1, 2020

“The Role of Tribes and Tribal Relations in Creating a More Vibrant Arizona,” not only demonstrates that the 22 Native nations that share geography with Arizona are integral to the vibrancy of Arizona communities but that “the vitality of Arizona’s Native people also depends on state, local, and organization leaders making decisions that support and sustain tribes.” Readers will find the chapter an essential overview and statistical reference on Arizona’s federally recognized tribes and guidance for those interested in cultivating or strengthening meaningful collaboration with tribes.


Figueroa, Holly, Miriam Jorgensen, and Joan Timeche. The Role of Tribes and Tribal Relations in Creating a More Vibrant Arizona.The 113th Arizona Town Hall's "Creating Vibrant Communities" (pp. 13-27). Arizona Town Hall. 2020.


Miriam Jorgensen

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