Indigenous Data Governance: Strategies from United States Native Nations

Data have become the new global currency, and a powerful force in making decisions and wielding power. As the world engages with open data, big data reuse, and data linkage, what do data-driven futures look like for communities plagued by data inequities? Indigenous data stakeholders and non-Indigenous allies have explored this question over the last three years in a series of meetings through the Research Data Alliance (RDA). Drawing on RDA and other gatherings, and a systematic scan of literature and practice, we consider possible answers to this question in the context of Indigenous peoples vis-á-vis two emerging concepts: Indigenous data sovereignty and Indigenous data governance.
Carroll, S.R., Rodriguez-Lonebear, D. and Martinez, A., 2019. Indigenous Data Governance: Strategies from United States Native Nations. Data Science Journal, 18(1), p.31. DOI: