Building an Indigenous Foods Knowledges Network Through Relational Accountability

Dec. 9, 2019
Building an Indigenous Foods Knowledges Network Through Relational Accountability

In recent decades, there has been a movement toward rectifying injustices and developing collab­orations between Indigenous communities and mainstream researchers to address environmental challenges that are of concern to Indigenous Peo­ples. This movement, primarily driven by Indige­nous community leaders and scholars, emphasizes community-driven research that addresses Indige­nous People’s interests, foregrounds Indigenous Knowledge systems, and both respects and asserts Indigenous sovereignty...

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Jäger, M. B., Ferguson, D., Huntington, O., Johnson, M., Johnson, N., Juan, A., Larson, S., Pulsifer, P., Reader, T., Strawhacker, C., Walker, A., Whiting, D., Wilson, J., Yazzie, J., Carroll, S., & Foods Knowledges Network, I. (2019). Building an Indigenous Foods Knowledges Network Through Relational Accountability. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(B), 1-7.


Mary Beth Jäger

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