Torivio A. Fodder, J.D., S.J.D.

Tory Fodder (Taos Pueblo) is the Manager of the Indigenous Governance Program. A native of Walters, OK, Dr. Fodder is an S.J.D. graduate of the Indigenous People’s Law and Policy Program at the University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law. Dr. Fodder also holds a J.D. from the University of Arizona, and an A.B. from Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
Dr. Fodder formerly served as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Māori and Indigenous Governance Centre, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Prior to joining the Indigenous Governance Program, he served as the Associate Director of the High Plains American Indian Research Institute, and as an Assistant Lecturer at the University of Wyoming.
Dr. Fodder is an emerging scholar in the field of indigenous law with research interests in international indigenous human rights and policy, critical race theory, indigenous libertarianism, and indigenous governance best practices. In his spare time, he enjoys video gaming (Call of Duty) and creative writing.
Chapter Author. “Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez: Conflicting Values in the 2016 Struggle for Tribal Self-Determination,” Ed., Donna Martinez, 50 Events That Shaped American Indian History: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic, (ABC-CLIO).
“The Many Sins of Pope Francis’s Saints,” Indian Country Today (6 October 2015)
Lessons from Aotearoa – New Zealand: Reconciliatory Justice and Federal Indian Law, The University of Waikato Law Review, (Vol. 22, 2014)
Book Review: Colonial Entanglements. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Research Centre, The University of Auckland (Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2014)
Indigenous Governance Programs in America and New Zealand. The Māori and Indigenous Governance Centre, The University of Waikato (2014)
Co-Author. Ka Takahia ano o tatou Tapuae: Retracing Our Steps - A Māori Governance Overview and Literature Review. The Māori and Indigenous Governance Centre, The University of Waikato (2014)
Toward a Libertarian Framework for Indian Rights. The Journal Jurisprudence, (19 J. Juris 203, 2013)
“Sharing Lessons: An American Perspective of Indigenous Governance,” New Zealand Lawyer Magazine, (3 May 2013, Issue 207)
- J.D.
- S.J.D.