Gloria O’Neill, Chair (Yup’ik, Sámi)
President/CEO, Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Inc., Alaska
Tami DeCoteau, PhD, Vice Chair (Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Nation/Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa)
DeCoteauTrauma-Informed Care & Practice, PLLC, North Dakota
Carlyle Begay (Navajo Nation)
Former Arizona State Senator
Dolores Subia BigFoot, PhD (Caddo Nation of Oklahoma/Affiliation with the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana in which her children are enrolled)
Director, Indian Country Child Trauma Center, Oklahoma
Stephanie A. Bryan (Poarch Band of Creek Indians)
Chair and CEO, Poarch Band of Creek Indians, Alabama
Jesse Delmar (Navajo Nation)
Director, Navajo Nation Division of Public Safety, Arizona
Anita Fineday (White Earth Nation)
Managing Director of Indian Child Welfare Program, Casey Family Programs, Minnesota
Don Gray (Atqaqsaq Kious)
Board Member, Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation, Alaska
Leander R. McDonald, PhD (Spirit Lake Nation)
President, United Tribes Technical College, North Dakota
Elizabeth Morris
Administrator, Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare, North Dakota
Melody Staebner (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa)
Fargo/West Fargo Indian Education Coordinator, North Dakota