Indigenous DataSET

Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Ethics Training

A Year-Long Indigenous Data Sovereignty & Ethics Training for 15 Early Career Faculty in Arizona

Equipping researchers to advance Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance

Funded by the American Indian Research Centers for Health at the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona and led by the top Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance expert in the U.S., Dr. Stephanie Russo Carroll, Indigenous DataSET aims to fill knowledge gaps in the ethics and infrastructure for research that impacts Indigenous rights holders to promote a future of more equitable science practices. Ultimately, the project aspires to protect Indigenous communities and their data by enhancing tribal research and data governance in Arizona.

In pursuit of this goal, the Indigenous DataSET team is looking to recruit 15 early career faculty (post-doc through assistant-professor level) in any discipline from public universities and tribal colleges across Arizona to participate as members of the first cohort of Indigenous DataSET Fellows.

Any and all early career faculty from the University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, Diné College, San Carlos Apache College, Navajo Technical University and Tohono O’odham Community College are invited to apply to participate.

Researchers with any level of knowledge and experience in the fields of Indigenous Data Sovereignty (IDSov) and Indigenous Data Governance (IDGov) – including those with no previous exposure to these subjects – are invited to apply to participate in the fellowship cohort during the 2024-25 academic year.

2024-25 Indigenous DataSET Fellowship Structure and Schedule

Indigenous Peoples and their communities have been targets of extractive research practices for centuries. And, in the absence of comprehensive guidelines, standards, and laws outlining how ethical research involving Indigenous subjects is to be performed and how Indigenous data and knowledge are to be used, questionable practices persist in this area today.

As a Indigenous DataSET Fellow, you will be equipped over the course of the 2024-25 academic year with the knowledge, tools, and perspectives necessary to conduct research and steward data in ways that comport with the Arizona Board of Regents Tribal Consultation Policy, university policies, and Indigenous Peoples’ rights and interests.

After six months of education and discussion, you will also have the opportunity to participate in the first national Indigenous Data Sovereignty Conference. As a member of the inaugural cohort of Indigenous DataSET Fellows, your input will also be critical to helping shape and optimize the program for future Fellowship cohorts.

Program Dates: December 2024- November 2025 

December 2024 (ONLINE)*Indigenous DataSET program launch & kick-off event (3 hours)

January 6-11, 2025,* (ON CAMPUS)Attend three accelerated Masters-level courses in IDSov and IDGov during the Native Nations Institute’s annual January in Tucson event. Your housing, travel, and course costs for this event will be covered by Indigenous DataSET. Courses include:

March 2025 (HYBRID)Mini IDSov & Gov Conference (2 days)

  • Engage Tribal leaders, staff, community practitioners, and Tribally-engaged researchers in Arizona on IDGov topics (may include opportunities to present and/or participate in expert panel discussions)

April - November 2025 (HYBRID): Attend 2+ monthly events

  • A 3-hour convening with mentors/experts based on fellows' projects 
  • As-needed work group meetings (minimum of one per month)

November 2025 (ONLINE): Wrap-up event

* Indicates required attendance to remain in good standing with the Indigenous DataSET Fellows Program

How to Apply

To apply for the 2024-25 Indigenous DataSET Fellowship, you’ll need to provide:


Basic information such as your name, appointment and Indigenous affiliation (if applicable)


Your current CV


A letter of recommendation from a professional colleague or mentor

Letter (in pdf format) must speak to your values, work ethic, professional integrity, and commitment to Indigenous communities


Answers to the following short-answer questions:

  • Will you be a postdoc or early career faculty at a public university (ASU, NAU, UArizona) or Tribal college in Arizona for the 2024-2025 academic year?
  • Can you commit to attending all the Indigenous DataSET sessions during the 2024-2025 academic year?
  • Do you have any accessibility needs, including dependent care, language, mobility, vision, connectivity?
  • This program is intended for people with any level of knowledge and experience with Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance, and research with Indigenous communities. How familiar are you with Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance? Have you had previous exposure and training to Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance? If so, what? (Please keep responses to approximately 100-200 words)
  • How might Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance support your vision for your research and long-term career goals? (Please keep responses to approximately 100-200 words)


Please contact us!


Intertribal Council of Arizona



ITCA is pleased to take park in this collaborative project with the University of Arizona Indigenous DataSET Training Program, ITCA serves as the administrative support for the work of the project.

This work is funded by the National Institutes of Health grant ITCA NARCH XII (S06GM146125), as a Faculty/Researcher Career Enhancement Project entitled Enhancing early career research ethics to support Indigenous data governance in Arizona.


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